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Tattoo Removal

  • 1 hour
  • 100 US dollars
  • Location 1

Service Description

Saline tattoo removal involves tattooing a specialized saline solution over your existing tattoo. The solution lifts the existing pigment molecules from the skin by the process of osmosis. A scab will form, which further lifts the previously placed pigment. The number of sessions needed depends on the saturation and size of your tattoo. Why Saline over Laser? Saline is all-natural removal method, typically costs 30-50% less than laser tattoo removal, requires fewer sessions, and is less painful. It is also color-agnostic, so it works on all colors of ink. Saline is also gentler than laser and best suited for the delicate eye area.

Cancellation Policy

Any cancellation/rescheduling less than 48 hours will be charged a $50 dollar fee. This is to cover the loss of earnings and other clientele that would like to come in for that appointment time. Due to a short notice we are unable to fill that appointment.

Contact Details

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